Lorelai Grace Martinez, PSJA ECHS junior

By RAUL GARCIA JR | The Mercedes Enterprise

The Mercedes Enterprise caught up with a number of RGVLS participant Lorelai Martinez heading to the competition to show off her work with his animal. Here is what she had to say:

Q: What club are you a member of?

A: South Texas Attitude 4-H and Borderline 4-H  and PSJA FFA.

Q: What will you be presenting at RGVLS?

A: I will be presenting a shop project, horticulture project, a photograph, a market lamb and a market pig. I also competed in the Covergirl pageant and ended in the Top 10 and Miss Photogenic. 

Q: What is your animal’s name?

A: My lamb is named Charlie and my pig is named Berkeley.

Q: What is your animal’s breed?

A: My lamb is medium wool and my pig is a Spotted Poland China.

Q: Tell us your favorite memory presenting at RGVLS?

A: My favorite memory is participating in the Little CowGirl Contest. My older sister had participated a few years earlier and I was so enthralled with her horse head trophy I couldn’t wait until I could receive one. Well 3 years later I participate and of course the trophy was not the same. I was so disappointed my trophy was not a horse head like my sisters. I kept taking her trophy out of her room and leaving her mine in exchange. This makes me laugh to this day.

Q: What do you like most about RGVLS?

A: The opportunities it provides to our youth. There is something for everyone. 

Q: Who or what encouraged you to join FFA and compete at RGVLS?

A: Rebecca Galvan of Borderline 4-H encouraged me to join FFA. I am so grateful to her for sharing this amazing opportunity. 

Q: What is your goal at RGVLS competition this year?

A: To learn more about each project I do. 

Q: What is it like for you when you when you come to participate at RGVLS?

A: I love the excitement, gain g experience and making friends. 

Q: What would be your best advice to someone who wants compete at RGVLS?

A: Just try it. If you don’t succeed or reach your goal, learn from it and challenge yourself to do better next year. 

Q: Tells what you did so far to prepare for this year’s RGVLS competition? 

A: When I was asked to run for Covergirl, while honored, I knew nothing about pageants so I began taking classes to teach me how to walk, pose and most importantly speak  and communicate my ideas proficiently. 

Q: What is the weirdest, or funniest thing your animal as ever done while you have been raising it? 

A: While showing my lamb, Charlie, for the first time, he bit me right at the underarm. I hope the judge didn’t notice. 

Q: What is your go to food or snack at RGVLS? 

A: Funnel cake

Q: What is your favorite movie?

A: 10 Things I Hate about You

Q: What is your favorite game or carnival ride at RGVLS?

A: The Ferris Wheel

Q: What actor would play you in a Hollywood movie?

A: Lauren Graham

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